Singing Guide: The Water

Singing Guide: The Water

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

For those aiming to learn singing like Pink Floyd's legendary frontman Roger Waters, it's important to recognize the signature sound that he brings to the table. While the intimate nature that reaches through to the audience cannot be traced back to any single specific vocal technique or style, his legendary prowess is marked by his powerful delivery and unique artistic vision. Therefore, the tricks to singing like Waters are largely related to vocal intonation and projection, as well as a focus on creating the same emotionality inherent in his best performances.

To develop a sound that's reminiscent of Waters, it's important to focus on nailing the basics of proper breathing and support. Take the Breathing Basics article to heart and make sure that the air flowing from your lungs is always controlled and carefully leveraged to produce the sound you're going for. To train your voice, start practicing on the Pitch Accuracy Test and use the Vocal Range Test to figure out your vocal range and register.

Of course, no article about Roger Waters would be complete without discussing his genre-defining songs. To learn how to sing like him, make sure to study classics such as "Wish You Were Here," "Another Brick in the Wall (Part III)," and "Comfortably Numb." Listening carefully to how Waters uses pauses, repetition, and alternates his delivery between light and intense can serve as a foundational guide for aspiring singers aiming to find their own unique style.

There are plenty of resources located at SingingCarrots to help you truly master the art of singing like Roger Waters. Our Pitch Training program, which includes a visualizer and interactive vocal scales to help guide your practice. We also recommend taking a Singing Course Online, which can provide more structured support for the journey ahead.

Remember that the journey to mastering singing can be long, and it's important to take breaks regularly to avoid vocal fatigue. With careful and patient practice, anyone can hone their singing chops until they create a sound that echoes the legendary Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.